Tuesday, 30 April 2013

EMF Sanctuaries

The CommonsWe will be providing more links and information on various sanctuaries and living options for electro-sensitive people as my research progresses. Here are a few sanctuaries we're currently aware of. (Click on name for more information.)
If you know of additional EHS sanctuaries to be added to this list, you can share them with me by  leaving a comment at the bottom of this page.


Rose Hill Off-Grid Farm in Horsefly, BC (Cariboo Region) – A 162-acre property an hour’s drive from Williams Lake, BC. Various short-term rentals and camping opportunities are available here. This isn’t a permanent living situation but rather a spot for an “EHS-safe retreat or holiday experience, or for anyone interested in learning how to live off-grid.” There are no cell phone towers, Wi-Fi routers, or Smart Meters.  All electricity is generated by a solar panel charging system with a gasoline-powered electrical generator for backup. Telecommunications and Internet are accessed via satellite service only, with the dish on a pole mounted away from the house to maintain safety for EHS persons.
image description
Cedar Rock: Oasis for Quiet Living near Osoyoos, BC – A 320-acre property located 50 km east of Osoyoos, BC, on Hwy 3. This sanctuary has not yet been built. It is in the planning stage, and the vision is quite large and impressive. See website for details. Cedar Rock is intended to be a “regenerative community” primarily for people with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). But it will also meet the needs of EHS people. There will be no wireless technology permitted anywhere on the acreage.


Greenbank, West Virginia – Not a formal EHS sanctuary, but a small community that is located within the U.S. National Radio Quiet Zone, established in 1958 to shield the radio astronomy telescopes there from radio interference. Read the BBC News article: “Wi-fi refugees shelter in West Virginia mountains”.


EHS Refuge in France – Located in the French province of Drôme in southeastern France. The nearest town of any size is Valence. Visit this link for many images of this refuge and specific details on the shielding of the caravans and other living quarters. Watch the BBC News documentary on this EHS Refuge Zone here. As with the following EHS refuge in Italy, everything here is free.
Parc de Carnè in Italy – This is Italy’s first EHS refuge. It is located within the Vena del Gesso Regional Park near the town of Brisighella in the province of Ravenna. It opened in 2010, and according to the fact sheet, everything within the zone is free, including the Bed & Breakfast.


Mid West Radio Quiet Zone200 km East of Meekatharra – Like Greenbank, West Virginia in the US, this is not a formal EHS sanctuary but rather a designated Radio Quiet Zone (since 2005) to shield radio astronomy telescopes from interference. According to the website, “The area has very low levels of radio frequency energy because of its low population and remote location.” So it would presumably be good habitat for electro-sensitive people. I have not had a chance to research this site further. Information welcome if you have some.

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