Friday, 17 May 2013

Are cell phones killing bees?

By now most everyone has heard or read about the mysterious disappearance of bees, in what is known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). While some scientists suggest that cell phone radiation may have something to do with it, it is all highly speculative and doesn’t answer a lot of questions, the main one being: Why only now when cell phones and cell phone towers have been around for years?
Still, experts like Dr. Carlo is “…convinced the possibility is real.” The radiation from the mobile phones could disrupt the bees’ navigational system. In a small study conducted by Landau University’s Prof. Jochen Kuhn, GSM cell phone radiation from handsets placed near hives in the frequency range 900 MHz – 1800 MHz caused the bees to avoid the hive. German research has also long shown that the behavior of bees changes near power lines.
Most of the world’s crops depend on pollination by bees, and without it the United States alone oculd lose 30 percent of its food supply. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, “man would have only four years of life left”. So this situation is causing quite a concern.
However, whether or not the cell phones have anything to do with the collapse of the bee colonies, there are enough reports on the media over the years with regards to mobile phones and their effects on human health. Until the wireless industry wises up and ensures safety of its products, we are left on our own to employ precautions.
The MRET technology, used in the GIA Cell Guard, superimposes a low-frequency ‘noise field’ on the electromagnetic radiation to make it compatible with the naturally occurring electromagnetic signals of our own cells. Could something as simple as this, adopted industry-wide and built into every cell phone and wireless device, be in our future? That’s certainly something to hope for.


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