Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The best EMF books

Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution

Camilla Rees, MBA and Magda Havas, PhD

Core education prepared by a dynamo  scientist/activist team for the public, physicians, schools, government, businesses and especially patients dealing with chronic or unexplained illnesses. A terrific primer for all. "Required reading for anyone concerned about health" - Jim Turner, Chairman, Citizens for Health

Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization

Sam Milham, MD, MPH

Excellent little book by a pioneering epidemiologist who was a winner of the prestigious Ramazzini Prize in occupational health for being the first to demonstrate cancer risk from workplace electromagnetic fields. This book tells the story of Dr. Milham's lifetime of discoveries leading to the conclusion that the diseases of civilization previously thought to be related to lifestyle are in fact linked to electrification, and in particular to dirty electricity.

Cell Towers: Wireless Convenience? or Environmental Hazard?

B. Blake Levitt

Follow Blake Levitt on hazards from cell towers. She has an in depth knowledge of the cell tower science and will soon publish an updated review with Henry Lai, PhD.

The Powerwatch Handbook: Simple Ways to Make You and Your Family Safer

Alasdair Philips

The Powerwatch Handbook: Simple Ways to Make Your Environment Safer gives practical advice about electromagnetic fields and health, including education about outdoors and indoor sources, and special considerations for pregnancy, children and those who are electrically sensitive.

Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family

Devra Davis, PhD

New book reviewing the history of suppression of science about the hazards of microwave radiation over many decades. Emphasis is on cell phone hazards, not radiation from other sources.

Currents of Death

Paul Brodeur

An early expose of the cover up of known health hazards from powerlines by New Yorker staff writer Paul Brodeur. He persuasively built the case that electromagnetic radiation causes cancer, and many other illnesses, and accused utilities, governments, regulatory agencies and universities of callously covering up the science and the known health consequences of exposure to this form of electromagnetic radiation.

Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, MD and Martin Zucker

An important new book explaining the importance of grounding and steps one can take to receive the health benefits of connection to the earth. The healing energy of the earth, in the form of free-flowing electrons replenished by solar radiation and lightening, supports our bodies electromagnetic system. Grounding, this book says, has the potential to naturally reduce inflammation, stress, insomnia and much more. An important resource for people who are electrically sensitive.

Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves

B. Blake Levitt

A classic in the field, reprinted in 2007. An award-winning science writer, Blake Levitt is a master of the subject of biological effects from electromagnetic fields and was one of the early, pioneering voices in this field.

Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD

An excellent new book, wide in scope, about all things electronic and wireless in our lives, ranging from cell phones and wi-fi networks to risks of magnetic fields from electronics, electric fields, and the newly understood phenomena called 'dirty electricity', higher frequencies carried on top of electricity from dirty power. A phenomenal resource from a leading health educator thinking comprehensively that is sure to become a classic.

Cross Currents-The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine

Robert Becker, MD

Published in 1990 this book is a classic. It reviews the promise of using electromagnetic fields for healing, without the side effects of toxic and invasive conventional modalities, and highlights the dangers of the growing electromagnetic pollution in our midst.

The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life

Robert Becker, MD

Another classic by Robert Becker, published in 1998. Becker was an inspiration to many scientists in bioelectromagnetics and is considered one of the fathers of the field. Anyone seriously interested in the healing potential of electromagnetic fields, and the risks of bathing ourselves in them with unchecked electropollution, should read Becker's work.


Talal Jabari, Director

FULL SIGNAL is a new film depicting an emerging global public health issue from the widespread, unchecked proliferation of wireless technologies. This one-hour documentary by Talal Jabari was filmed in 10 countries and features some of the world's top scientific experts on the biological effects of microwave radiation. Very well worth getting and sharing with your community.

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