Friday, 17 May 2013

The Safe School Information Technology Alliance working to rid schools of dangerous wi-fi

The Safe School Information Technology Alliance (SSITA) came into being as a result of a meeting that took place in the Headquarters of the Teachers’ Union Voice in Derby on 18th 0ctober 2009.
The CAVI Society had by then been operating for some three years and was beginning to realise that it should have begun to address the concerns on Wifi in schools much sooner than it had.
They noted that one Teachers’ Union, Voice, had already been expressing its own concerns for some time previously, through the responsibly and professionally expressed views of its National Secretary, Philip Parkin. (Please see the extract from his speech to  Voice National Conference, 2007,  in  references at the end of this Introduction).*
CAVI Society realised that we already owed more to Voice than we had realised, in bringing the concerns into public awareness, and their Chair, Diana Hanson, went, on behalf of the Society, to thank Philip Parkin for his lead on this issue. Two meetings ensued between Philip Parkin and Diana Hanson, at which she expressed the idea of bringing together representatives from the main organisations concerned about WiFi.  We all in SSITA  value the contributions of these organisations, as well as the contributions of individual scientists.
SSITA is therefore only intended to be a “value added” alliance- a community of people who liaise with, and help each other, sharing information and asking for advice from our “gurus”. As a result we all feel less isolated and feel better equipped to move forward with our urgent work.
Please read this extract reproduced here by kind permission of - also available on the Cavisoc website (left navigation column under “Exposing children to wireless in schools is criminal.”

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