Thursday, 12 February 2015

How to Lower Your EMF Risks With Crystal Healing

How to Lower Your EMF Risks With Crystal Healing

Powerful Crystals to Help Lower Your EMF Risks
Have you noticed over the last few years people have become much more concerned with EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation & now a new possible threat; nuclear radiation in the atmosphere? AKA, EM Pollution.
Some symptoms of excess EMF radiation are fatigue, joint & muscle pain, decreased attention span, memory loss, difficulty focusing & insomnia. Yuck.
In my analysis & research I noted these are the same symptoms of being ungrounded!
Could it be that too much EMF causes us to become ungrounded?

EM Pollution

In my Creating Sacred Spaces & Self Protection Using Crystals Class we discuss specific crystals & stones you could use to counteract EMF pollution. Crystals you don't want to use are any kind of silicate crystals: quartz, lepidolite, etc.
Why? For the simple reason that they easily slide into resonance with electronics & microwave radiation. That's what we don't want. That property is why silicon (what silicates & quartz are made of) is so widely used in technology! It's an excellent semi-conductor.
The best stones to use for EMF protection are ferromagnetic (iron containing) stones like lodestone, magnetite, hematite, pyrite.
BUT, be certain not to have any magnetic stones near your laptop = CERTAIN LAPTOP DEATH due to hard-drive being erased.
I also like black tourmaline for this (even though its a silicate). The reason I throw that 1 into the hat too is b/c it’s got just the right combo of elements & it has the added yin-benefit of having iron in it. Black tourmaline is known for its ability to transmute & "cleanse" energy & it actually has pyroelectric properties too. But I don't want to slam too much science into 1 post. Since I can't tell if your eye are glazing over yet, I'll have to trust that this is enough. wink emoticon
Another recent favorite for this sort of protection is shungite. As show in the pic, those 2 shungite pieces from my crystal grid that surrounds my wifi router.
Now! Here's the KICKER that I've discovered!! Most of these are the same exact stones many cultures teach to use to ground ourselves!!! How perfecto! Don't you just love when the ancient knowledge & new dovetails together like that?
So here are some things you can do; both using stones & otherwise:
• Make a lodestone (magnetic magnetite) pendulum, spin it through your EMF to strengthen weak areas
• Place Kernite or Colemanite crystals (just got a SWEET specimen!) in a low dose nuclear radiation area to absorb; these crystals are Boron-based, thereby accepting & ionizing radiation
• Unplug your bedroom (listen to Warren's recording above for how's & why's)
• Children should not use cell phones due to their higher susceptibility
• Reduce your own cell phone use
• Use a land line whenever possible
• Reduce or eliminate your use of wireless (you can put it on a timer so at least part of the time its not radiating throughout your house, physical body & auric field). This is a tuffy for me seeing as I live in a busy suburb-y/city where I receive 5 wireless signals radiating from my neighbors!
• Turn your cell phone off when not in use
I don't like to fear monger but I feel its good to get this info out there from time to time & remind ourselves to clean up our energy & balance.

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